Electrical cost PROKey

by Ettore Gallina



PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION:STEP 1: Install "Electrical cost FREE app" (Important: without FREE version, the Pro Key does not work!)STEP 2: Now install this Pro Key to unlock all new features.STEP 3: Reboot your device after installation, does not remove the FREE app.Calculation of the theoretical expenditure based on the energy consumption.
- No advertising- Possibility to change the currency- Time slots- Consumption and cost daily/weekly/monthly/annual- Possibility to save templates- Possibility to export to text file- Choose from loads default or input parameters manually
*****PROMOTION:For all they who purchased both of applications: Electrical calculations and Lighting calculations, new app Electrical cost will be automatically and gratis unlocked!*****
Languages:- Italian (by Ettore Gallina)- English (by Valentina Ragona)- Français (by Ettore Gallina)- Portoguese [PT] (by Leandro Sousa)- Portuguese [BR] (by Paulo Pepeleascov, Fraga Junior)- Simplified Chinese (by wxdjs)- Turkish (by Bekir Aydogdu)- Dutch (by Robert Wintersteijn)- Russian (by Djek.Energetik)- German (by Christopher-Anton Aicher and by Ali Karadag)- Greek (by Tasos Pergantis)- Spanish (by Fabio López, Valentina Ragona)- Vietnamese (by Nguyễn Duy Trung)- Norwegian (by drzordz)- Polish (by drzordz)- Magyar (by Molnár Zoltán)- Persian (by Saeed Fardi)- Croatian (by Goran Arabadzic)- Tagalog (by Jun Aron S)
* How can I purchase Pro Key?- To purchase the Pro Key, you must associate a credit card or a prepaid card to your Play Store account. In some countries you can also pay with phone credit and PayPal. It isnt accept other payment methods.
* It is possible restore Pro Key after resetting the device? Can I transfer Pro Key on the new device I bought?- Yes, you just login to Play Store with the same account that you used to purchase app and it will be possible reinstall the applications that were previously purchased.